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Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Μαρ 18, 2011 10:43 am
από Michael Vardanis
The philosophical view.

The concept of time has intrigued, fascinated, and concerned man ever since
he escalated above the level of intelligence of his co-habitors on the planet Earth.
Philosophers have interpreted the experience and observation of time, over the ages, in varied ways.

Subsequently, all other categories of intellectuals including theologians, scholars, poets, and authors concerned themselves with the subject, transpiring into the contemporary concept related to space through Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Awareness of time has always been a facet of human consciousness. We experience time as a one-way flow at a pace slow enough to be perceptible, if one can describe time in the language of material phenomena.

The irreversibility of its passage is born by the fact of death. Unlike other living creatures humans know that growth will bring decay and ultimately death.

In a wider sense time is perceived as the past, present and future, but as events get closer together the intervals between them get smaller and the three features become intermingled.

Some contemporary philosophers think of the future as vague and indeterminate whilst the past is fixed and established. This is known as the sentimental view.

Others disagree and consider the future predictable, arguing that all natural phenomena follow predictable patterns, therefore subject to accurate prognoses.
Even man’s interference with nature follows a predictable path and his influence on the globe can, to a large degree, be forecast. This is known as the statistical view.

Yet a third group hold the view that it is as much nonsense to talk of changing the future, as it is to talk of changing the past. This is known as the pragmatic view.

The predominant feature of all the philosophical analyses is the cyclic nature of time with the year as the basic unit for its measurement, which has been further, divided up into smaller segments for convenience.

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Μαρ 18, 2011 2:52 pm
από marios_ch
πραγματικά ωραιότατα τα γραφόμενα σου φίλε......

αν και θέλουν λίγη μελέτη παραπάνω αξίζει τον κόπο...... :good:

ευχαριστούμε..... :sh:

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Μαρ 18, 2011 6:39 pm
από Michael Vardanis
As you may, already, have gathered rightly or wrongly I have decided that in order to make a real contribution to the general knowledge of the Forum it will be important to cover, as simply as possible, most of the ground from the beginning of time to help both the members who are well versed in horology as well as amateurs, collectors, enthusiast and the general public who may just be interested in this fascinating subject. Those who may tire reading the detail please be patient the exciting issues will not be unduly delayed.
Thank you all for your patience.

Major Historical and Scientific evidence or events leading up to the invention, development and perfection of the POCKET WATCH up to the end of the 2nd Millennium AD

While Earth rotates around its axis at a fairly constant rate, (circa 1600 kph), its elliptical orbit around the sun does not. It accelerates towards the nearest point to the sun, and decelerates towards the furthest. Acceleration begins around the middle of July replaced by deceleration commencing around the middle of January.

The angle between the Earth’s axis and its orbital path does not remain constant. There are periodic tilting movements, resembling a little the turbulence in air travel, caused by gravitational pulls of the sun and the moon.

This angle is responsible for the difference in seasons between the northern and southern hemispheres.

Summer days, whether solar, mean or sidereal, are considerably longer, except on the equatorial zone, then their winter counterparts. Spring and autumn ones lying somewhere in between.

It follows then that the interval between two successive transits of the sun, is unique to each day, and each place in the World.

All these factors were as important to antiquity as they are today in modern society. Also, this information becomes indispensable in understanding the substance of the basic unit measurements during the history of mankind.

Methods of specifying and recording time progress through the centuries as man becomes more advanced. His first concern was to separate the dangers from the benefits associated with light and darkness, the sun and the moon, the day and the night.

Once he had identified this objective he needed a way of defining measuring, recording it and benefiting from it.

Recording time

There is evidence to indicate that stone-age man recorded the day by carving lines on cave walls. He needed a more sophisticated way when he became a farmer, remaining at the same location for longer periods.

He started by observing the movement of shadows. From a wooden stump stuck into the ground he recognised the midway point between the two other lengths at dawn and dusk.

Thus the first division of the day into am and pm was born. Gradually the stump became a permanent feature of his abode creating the predecessor to the sundial.
Man appears to continue travelling around from his base either for hunting or gathering, for hours or days at a time, well into the 4th millennium B.C.

During those expeditions he continued carrying portable means, to help him determine the time of day or navigate towards his destination. This was done by sticking an object into the ground in an upright fashion and noting the direction of the shadow as well as its length thus giving the first form of a combination timepiece and directional finder.

As man gets more involved with agriculture the demands upon him at home become more pressing. He needs to organise his own and his family’s life according to seasonal, monthly weekly and daily tasks. In the end divisions of time within a year, a day and an hour become inevitable. The birth of stone-type calendar structures.

All this, of course, is a theory put forward by archaeologists and anthropologists alike. If it is correct than there is no other historical way of telling the time until the sundial appears.

This instrument was constructed of iron or bronze, consisting of two parts:
A) The dial plate, and B) the gnomon, a shadow producing metal object placed at right angles to the plate which is secured on a level plane parallel to the Earths axis and pointing towards the celestial pole.

Examples of such objects were discovered during excavations of the 19th and 20th centuries at Alexandria in Egypt, Knossos on Crete, Troy in Turkey, and other excavation sites in SE Europe and the Near East.

Illustrated here is the earliest,
surviving sundial; the Egyptian
Shadow Clock. Circa 1800 B.C.
Apologies for the absence of the item. Still learning how to incorporate photos
Consisting of a metal stem with
a cross piece at right angles.

The shadow of the crosspiece
would fall upon a horizontal scale on a pre-carved base to show the time.

A similar example of this very early sundial, along with other bronze, silver and gold objects, was unearthed in the 1870’s by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann at Troy located at the Dardanelle’s in Turkey and known as the “Hissarlik”(The Fortress), as part of his most spectacular discovery the “Priam’s Treasure” formally at the Bode Museum in Berlin.

As you may, already, have gathered rightly or wrongly I have decided that in order to make a real contribution to the general knowledge of the Forum it will be important to cover, as simply as possible, most of the ground from the beginning of time to help both the members who are well versed in horology as well as amateurs, collectors, enthusiast and the general public who may just be interested in this fascinating subject. Those who may tire reading the detail please be patient the exciting issues will not be unduly delayed.
Thank you all for your patience.
Michael Vardanis

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Μαρ 19, 2011 12:00 am
από Megalos
Μιχαλη πραγματικα ειναι πολυ τεκμηριωμενα και διδακτικα οσα μας εχει παραθεσει
ανηπομονουμε και για τις συνεχειες ...
Θα μαθεις γρηγορα και το ποσταρισμα εικονων οποτε θα ειναι πιο ευχαριστα κιολας τα κειμενα σου
ευχαριστουμε φιλε μου για την ενημερωση στα μελη του φορουμ απο τις βαθιες γνωσεις σου :sh:

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Μαρ 19, 2011 11:38 pm
από Megalos
Φίλοι τής ωρολογοποιίας στη διαδρομή με τα ολυμπιακά δώρα. Καιρός να κινηθεί: ο Μιχάλης , ετών 72, ξεκινά σπουδές κατασκευής ωρολογοποιίας .

Ένας προηγούμενα διεθνής επιχειρηματίας έχει επιστρέψει στο κολλέγιο σε ηλικία 72 ετών για να ακολουθήσει το όνειρο παιδικής ηλικίας του να γίνει κατασκευαστής ρολογιών.

Ο Μιχάλης Βαρδάρης μετακόμισε σ το Μπέρμιγχαμ από το σπίτι του στην Αμερική συγκεκριμένα προς μελέτη στο ίδρυμα του Μπέρμιγχαμ σχολή τέχνης και σχεδίου των κοσμημάτων.
Μετά από του ότι είχε συναρπαστεί με το ρολόι τσέπης του πατέρα του ως εννέα-ετών παιδί.
στην χώρα του την Ελλάδα , ο κ. Βαρδάρης ταξίδεψε τον κόσμο πριν εγκατασταθεί στο Hockley για σπουδή στο μόνο κολλέγιο στην Ευρώπη που δεν είχε ένα όριο ηλικίας για τους σπουδαστές ωρολογοποιίας , την επιστήμη της μέτρησης του χρόνου και της τεχνολογίας της κατασκευής των οργάνων για τη μέτρηση ή την καταγραφή της.
Τώρα ο συνταξιούχοι μηχανικός και πωλητής εκτύπωσης τύπου σχεδιάζει μια σειρά ρολογιών - όλα ενσωματώνουν ένα σχέδιο σταδίου δρόμων ως καντράν τους - για να τιμήσουν την μνήμη των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων στην πόλη της γέννησής τους , την Αθήνα, το 2004,

"Στην ηλικία μου, δεν ενδιαφέρομαι για διακρίσεις , αλλά ήμουν αποφασισμένος να βρω
τις απαντήσεις σε πολλές ωρολογιακές ερωτήσεις που με έχουν ταλανίσει όλη τη ζωή μου," είπε.

"Ο κύριος λόγος που ήρθα στο Μπέρμιγχαμ ήταν επειδή η σχολή των κοσμημάτων είναι απλά η καλύτερη στον κόσμο... σε συνδυασμό με το γεγονός ότι θα με άφηναν μέσα στην ηλικία μου , πράγμα που δεν έδωσα καμιά δεύτερη σκέψη να μετακινηθώ προς το Μπέρμιγχαμ."

ο Jim Kynes, διευθυντής του (στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία) υψηλότερου εθνικού διπλώματος HND HND ένας τίτλος σπουδών σε ένα τεχνικό θέμα ισοδύναμο με έναν συνηθισμένο βαθμό HND - ένα δίπλωμα που δίνεται για την επαγγελματική κατάρτιση που προετοιμάζει το σπουδαστή για μια σταδιοδρομία σε μια ιδιαίτερη περιοχή , καλός στην σειρά μαθημάτων ωρολογοποιός , είπε ότι ο καρδαμίνης ήταν ζωντανή απόδειξη ότι δεν είσαι ποτέ μεγάλος για να πάς στο κολλέγιο.

"Ο Μιχάλης είναι αληθινά αξιοπρόσεκτος χαρακτήρας και η εργασία του είναι εξαιρετικά λεπτομερής και ακριβής με κάθε τρόπο," είπε.

"Υπάρχει μια παγκόσμια έλλειψη των κατασκευαστών ρολογιών και δεν μπορούμε να πιστέψουμε ότι οποιοδήποτε ωρολογοποιίας κολλέγιο θα ήθελε να στείλει μακριά κανέναν με το ταλέντο του Μιχάλη , τον ενθουσιασμό και τις δυνατότητες του."

εδω εχω μεταφρασει οσο μπορουσα την δημοσιευση στο ξενο τυπο για τον φιλο μας τον κον Μιχαλη Βαρδανη

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Μαρ 19, 2011 11:51 pm
από aris911
Ο κυριος Βαρδανης ειναι αποδειξη αυτου που ελεγα παντα.
Οταν θελεις παντα κατι παρα πολυ, αργα η γρηγορα βρισκεις τον τροπο.
Φτανει να θελης. Ποτε δεν ειναι αργα.
Του βγαζω το καπελο.

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Κυρ Μαρ 20, 2011 7:15 pm
από stavros_ch
Ενα μεγαλο μπραβο.
Με θεληση και υπομονη γινονται τα παντα.

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Κυρ Μαρ 20, 2011 8:54 pm
από Georges
Η δύναμη της θέλησης είναι τεράστια!!!
Μια ακόμα ιστορία που το αποδεικνύει....

Φιλικά Γιώργος

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Κυρ Μαρ 20, 2011 11:14 pm
από marios_ch
θα συμφωνήσω με τα πιο πάνω........... ;) :sh:

Re: Ιστορια του παθους μου

Δημοσιεύτηκε: Δευ Μαρ 21, 2011 8:06 pm
από Michael Vardanis

Different types of sundials were found at Karnack Temple in Upper Egypt (above), the great majority of which cast a shadow of a vertical wall, or an obelisk, upon a flight of steps.

The steps as well as the scale markings on them were not constructed according to geometric principals but varied in size and shape to compensate for seasonal differences.

The accuracy of sundials is limited due to the fact that the shadow spreads out over the calibrated scales owing to the finite angular diameter of the sun. On a perfectly oriented sundial, accuracy lies to within a couple of minutes. Around noontime when the sun “appears” to move more slowly over the horizon inaccuracies are more pronounced.

Despite its limitations the sundial survived until, relatively, recently. Sophisticated sundials were used to adjust the clocks and watches made in London, and other European centres, well into the first half of the twentieth century.

Before we leave ancient civilisations we should mention the other types of time measuring devices that were invented in Egypt, used there over many centuries, ultimately to be exported to Europe.

Water clocks, sand-clocks and calendar clocks

The most famous of the water clocks is the Clepsydra, around 1000 B.C., unearthed at Karnack Temple. Now at the Cairo Museum.

An earthenware container of conical shape with a tiny orifice at the bottom of the vessel allowing water to escape, a drop at a time. The interior periphery was marked out in circular lines indicating the hours.
Because of seasonal variations referred to earlier the vessel was different for every month of the year.

Major disadvantages, however, remained, on account of inflexibility in being unable to compensate for seasonal differences. It was withdrawn from general use, about the end of the first millennium A.D.

One simple form; “the sinking type” has survived to this very day. In Algeria, for example it is used, during irrigation times, to control and ration out the amount of water supplied to each of the smallholdings for plants and/or animals.

The clepsydra was developed over the ensuing centuries into more sophisticated vessels using mechanical principles including gears as illustrated on this page.

Perhaps the earliest ancestor of Industrial robot devices, the clepsydra employs a siphon principle to recycle itself automatically, on a flotation system.